Terms of Service for
TFW Referral Program
Effective Date April 8, 2024
These Terms of Service govern the referral marketing relationship between the registered associate (“you” or “your”) and WA Franchising, LLC, soon to change its legal entity name to TFW Franchising, LLC (“TFW,” “our,” “we” or “us”). The terms set forth herein constitute a binding agreement between you and us. We may amend these terms and the structure of the Referral Program at any time for any reason and you will be subject to any such amendments as they occur.
1. Description of the TFW Referral Program
The TFW Referral Program permits you to monetize your website, social media user-generated content, podcast or seminars online by providing to your audience a special link to the TFW website that we provide to you. The link is unique to you (“Unique Link”) and those you refer to us must use it to purchase qualifying services or digital goods from us in order for us to pay you for the referral.
A referral under this program is defined as a new lead that contacts us through your Unique Link and purchases services or digital goods from us within sixty (60) days of first clicking on the Unique Link (“new customer”). Only those referrals that result in successful transactions that are not subsequently cancelled or disputed qualify under this program.
2. Becoming a Referrer
To participate in this TFW Referral Program, apply at https://wealthability.referral-factory.com/c7DbiFwn
We may refuse to provide you a Unique Link, in our sole discretion, based on our evaluation of whether you have the ability to refer new customers who have a significant likelihood of purchasing our services and the likelihood you will comply with these Terms of Service.
By applying to participate in this TFW Referral Program you accept these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service, do not apply.
3. TFW New Customers
Our new customers are not, by virtue of your participation in this Referral Program, your customers. As between you and us, all pricing, terms of sale, rules, policies, and operating procedures concerning customer orders, customer service, and product sales set forth on by us will apply to those customers for our services and may be changed at any time. You will not handle or address any contacts with any of our new customers, and, if contacted by any of our new customers for a matter relating to interaction with us, you tell those new customers that they must contact us to address customer service issues.
4. Payment to You
When a new customer clicks through the Unique Link and purchase qualified services or digital goods from us, we will pay you up to $1000 for each customer’s initial purchase as follows:
- For certain educational services, 10% of our gross revenue for that purchase
- For certain tax or wealth advisory services, 5% of our gross revenue for that purchase
The certain educational services, tax services, and wealth advisory services are “Qualified Purchases.” Prices and availability of the services may vary from time to time.
We will pay you within 30 days after the verification of the successful referral, namely after our new customer has engaged with us and has not cancelled or requested a refund of payment for 30 days after the initial purchase is made (“Verification”).
We will pay you via the payment method you list in the registration for the Referral Program. You are responsible for providing accurate payment information.
We reserve the right to modify the payment structure. You will be notified of any such changes through direct communication or updates to these Terms of Service for TFW Referral Program. You are responsible for checking these terms to see if they have been updated.
In the event of any disputes regarding payments, our decision shall be final. You are encouraged to keep records of your referral activities, including the dates of referral and the names of individuals referred, to facilitate resolution of any potential disputes.
You are solely responsible for any and all taxes for payments made by us to you.
5. Disqualified Purchases
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Qualifying Purchases are disqualified whenever they occur in connection with a violation of Terms of Service or any other terms, conditions, specifications, statements, and policies that we may issue from time to time that apply to the TFW Referral Program, including the most up-to-date version of these Terms of Service.
Further, the following purchases that would otherwise be Qualified Purchases are disqualified and excluded from the TFW Referral Program:
(a) any services purchased after termination of your participation in the TFW Referral Program by you or us;
(b) any services order where a cancellation or refund has been initiated;
(c) any services purchased by a customer who is referred to us through any advertisement that is in violation of these Terms of Service.
6. Term and Termination
We may modify, suspend, or terminate the TFW Referral Program at our discretion, with or without notice. Your rights to participate in the program or receive payments may be revoked as a result of such actions, except that you will receive payments for any new customer who has clicked on your Unique Link and made a Qualified Purchase before termination of the TFW Referral Program.
You may terminate your participant in this referral program at any time by no longer providing or promoting use of the Unique Link.
We may terminate your participation in the TFW Referral Program, with or without notice to you, if you violate these Terms of Service. Such termination may include withholding payment at our sole discretion.
7. Acknowledge Relationship Only as a Referral Relationship
When promoting our services and providing the Unique Link, you must expressly state that you are an independent referrer to us and must not imply any further legal relationship with us such as being a partner or affiliate. Any promotional materials you use must not misrepresent your relationship with us.
8. Unacceptable Methods of Referral
You may not promote our services or the Unique Link by any method that violates any government law, rule, regulation or statute including, but not limited to, CAN-SPAM Act, CCPA and Telephone Consumer Protection Act, spam, fraud, false or misleading advertising, or other method harmful to any person or entity.
Specifically and without limitation, you may not promote our services or the Unique Link that:
a) is inaccurate, overbroad, deceptive or otherwise misleading about any of our services;
b) promote or contain sexually explicit or obscene materials;
c) promote violence or contain violent materials or promote, endorse or incite potentially dangerous or harmful acts;
d) promote or contain false, deceptive, libelous or defamatory materials;
e) promote or contain materials or activity that is hateful, harassing, harmful, invasive of another’s privacy, abusive, or discriminatory (including on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age); or
f) promote or undertake illegal activities.
g) are directed toward children or knowingly collect, use, or disclose personal information from children under 13 years of age or other applicable age threshold as defined by applicable laws, regulations, or guidelines;
h) violate any third-party’s intellectual property rights.
We will determine unacceptable referral methods at our sole discretion.
9. Disclaimer and Indemnification
You agree to indemnify us against any claims arising from your participation in the TFW Referral Program and promotion of our services.
10. Trademark Usage
We are the owner or licensee of the following trademarks: TAX-FREE WEALTH NETWORK, TFW, TFW ADVISORS, TOM WHEELWRIGHT, WAY MORE MONEY WAY LESS TAXES, and WEALTHABILITY (“Trademarks”).
You are allowed to use the Trademarks only by display on your website, by display on your social media page(s), or using them while speaking and only if the following criteria are satisfied:
a) the Trademark is used is solely for the purpose of promoting our services; AND
b) the Trademark is accompanied by the Unique Link.
You may not use the Trademarks in any other situation.
Specifically but without limitation, you may not use the Trademarks to promote your own services, in any domain name or subdomain name, or to bid on auctions on keywords, search terms, or other identifiers.
11. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the United States and the State of Arizona, except for its conflict of laws provisions. You agree that for any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, venue and personal jurisdiction shall be in the federal, state or local court with competent jurisdiction located in Maricopa County, Arizona. The prevailing party will be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney’s fees